Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hot Glass and Nifty Knitting on Etsy!

I've gotten a bit behind in my weekly posting, so I'll have to catch up with my posting about my "Hot Glass" lampworking sessions #12-16!
In the mean time, here are some knitting stitch markers that I'm listing in my Etsy shop in time for the holiday gift-giving season...

It was really tricky trying to make matched sets of beads but as they say on the LWE forum, ppp/practice practice practice!

I'll be getting back into doing more with the felt beads as the weather cools off and I'm not able to use my garage studio when it gets too cold.

I'm hoping to have some of my Goddess beads up for sale in a local store soon... I just have to finish some of the production work on them!

It would be nice not to have to sell art, but I've got to pay for supplies and little things like rent and groceries somehow! Now's a good a time as any to thank the stars once more for my understanding hubby!

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